prairie dogs in field

When you hear the phrase domesticated animals, you probably automatically think of cats or dogs. But, what about fennec foxes, prairie dogs, pigs, sugar gliders, and even skunks? Although it’s not very common, each of these animals can also be domesticated. More and more people are opting out of getting a traditional pet and deciding to add a more unusual addition to their family.

Before you decide to become an owner of one of these animals, it’s important that you take into consideration the special care it will need compared to other, more typical pets. You will also need to review your state’s laws and regulations to make sure that it is legal to own one of these animals. Select one of the articles below to find out more about the options you have for domesticated animals as well as what they eat, what type of habitat they need, and more.

  • Internet Reunites Lost Pets and Owners

    Everyone loves the amazing stories of dogs and cats who travel long distances to find their way back home or even locate their owners in a new city. Unfortunately, these happy tales are the rare exception to the rule. For every pet that makes it back after leaving, there are tens of thousands who

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  • Heart Disease in Cats

    Cats are wonderful pets. In fact, they outnumber dogs as pets in the United States. It is estimated that 60.2 to 62 Million cats are kept as pets; one-third of all households have at least one feline friend. It is important for cat owners to be aware of a stealthy disease that may affect as much as 15

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